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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

What is shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain is a common condition that can affect people of all ages and can be quite debilitating. The shoulder joint is a complex structure that allows for a wide range of motion, but this mobility can also make it susceptible to various injuries and conditions. Shoulder pain can range from a dull, persistent ache to sharp, stabbing sensations that restrict your arm movement. It can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday tasks, making simple actions like reaching for objects or combing your hair painful and challenging.

What causes shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain can have numerous underlying causes, including:

  1. Rotator cuff injuries: Strains, tears, or inflammation of the rotator cuff muscles can lead to shoulder pain.
  2. Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis): A condition where the shoulder joint becomes stiff and loses its range of motion.
  3. Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder.
  4. Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa sacs that cushion the shoulder joint.
  5. Arthritis: Degeneration of the shoulder joint due to age or wear and tear.
  6. Shoulder impingement: Compression of tendons in the shoulder when lifting the arm.
  7. Shoulder instability: When the shoulder joint is prone to dislocation or subluxation.
  8. Overuse or repetitive strain injuries.

Ignoring shoulder pain or postponing treatment can worsen the condition and lead to more significant problems, so seeking professional help early on is essential.

What does shoulder pain feel like?

Shoulder pain can present itself in different ways. You may experience a dull, constant ache, or sharp, stabbing pain when using the arm. Some people may have difficulty raising their arm or notice weakness in the shoulder. Shoulder pain can also cause discomfort at night, making it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Seeking prompt treatment and advice is crucial to prevent the shoulder pain from becoming chronic and affecting your daily life.

How can the experts at KB help?

Physiotherapy is an effective approach to treating shoulder pain and improving shoulder function. Our experienced Physiotherapists will conduct a thorough assessment to identify the root cause of your shoulder pain and any contributing factors. This comprehensive evaluation will guide the development of a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Physiotherapy aims to reduce pain, restore shoulder mobility, improve strength and stability, and prevent further shoulder issues.

What treatment will you do for shoulder pain?

Following the assessment and consultation, our team of experts may recommend a combination of treatments, which may include:

  • Manual therapy to alleviate muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and reduce pain.
  • Targeted exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Postural correction and ergonomic advice to avoid activities that aggravate the shoulder.
  • Heat or cold therapy to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation.
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound to give a more thorough and accurate diagnosis
  • Shockwave therapy to help speed up the healing process

Our goal is to develop a treatment plan that not only addresses your current shoulder pain but also gives you with the knowledge and tools to prevent future shoulder issues.

What can I do to reduce my shoulder pain at home?

In addition to the treatments provided by our Physiotherapists, there are self-care measures you can take to manage and reduce shoulder pain:

  • Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain and place unnecessary strain on your shoulder.
  • Practice good posture and maintain proper alignment of your shoulders during daily activities.
  • Perform shoulder stretches and exercises as advised by our team to improve shoulder strength and flexibility.
  • Take breaks from repetitive tasks and avoid overusing your shoulder.
  • Ensure you get enough rest and sleep to support the healing process.
  • Use proper lifting techniques and avoid carrying heavy objects on one shoulder.

If you’re unsure whether Physiotherapy treatment is suitable for your shoulder pain, please click the button below to request a call back from our team of experts. They will provide more information and guide you in the right direction.


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Katie Harben

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