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Lisa Mitchell

Pilates Instructor

Lisa Mitchell

I am married with 4 grown up children and have lived in Sheffield all my life. I trained as a professional dancer and then as a dance teacher and have run a performing arts school for 25 years. I love to come along side people to help them reach their potential and that is one of the reasons that I re-trained in Pilates. Pilates is such an accessible form of fitness and so good for the whole body and mind, that’s why I love teaching it. I later trained as a Pre and Post Natal Pilates specialist to further my ability to help keep people balanced and strong in all times of their lives and also work with people with Dementia to help keep them mobile and active.

Qualifications, Achievements & Relevant Experience:

– 4 dance teaching degrees with distinction with the International Dance Teachers Association
– Exercise to Music Diploma
– Pilates Diploma
– Pre and Post Natal Pilates specialist Diploma
– Anatomy and Physiology Diploma
– Acrobatic Arts Certificate
– Barre Fitness Diploma
– I have coached the City of Sheffield Gymnastics squad as their floor work choreographer for 3 years with my final competition with winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I was quite chuffed with that!

Hobbies, Hidden Talents & More Info

I love to bake but love eating cake even more. I love to sing as you will probably hear me doing during classes sometimes and am an avid reader of fiction.

Get In Touch​

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment you can send us a message, email us, call us or book online.


Katie Harben

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