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Treat your aches, pains & injuries at our Physiotherapy Clinic

Our team of expert Physiotherapists & Sports Therapists are here to get you pain free and moving as quickly as possible, whilst identifying the root cause of the problem to ensure a thorough resolution. We are passionate about hands on therapy and this will be at forefront of our treatment we deliver, combined with exercise programs, taping, acupuncture and lifestyle analysis.

Why choose us?

Within our team we have clinical specialists in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, with a vast array of experience and qualifications, but most importantly the outcome is about getting you moving, pain free and injury free as fast as possible.

The first thing we do is a thorough initial consultation, to ensure know the root cause and can then provide you with a tailored, and complete rehabilitation program. We pride ourselves in not just fighting fires for you, but really making sure you leave with confidence that you know how we can help and prevent this problem from happening again. We are a team that believe in hands on therapy, and that is why this treatment will always be included in your appointment where its required.

Thanks to great feedback from our clients and amazing results we get, we are one of the Top Rated Physiotherapists in Sheffield, as well as winners of the Northern sports Injury Clinic of the year award in 2019 and Health & wellness clinic of the year.

To book your physio appointment, the quickest way get your journey started is to call us. Or you can book directly online using the button below, or send us a message. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Get In Touch​

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment you can send us a message, email us, call us or book online.


Katie Harben

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