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Emily Elgar

Pelvic Health Clinical Specialist & Clinical lead​

Emily Elgar

I’ve been with Katie Bell Physio from the start of the business in 2014. I qualified in Physiotherapy from Bradford University in 2007 achieving a 1st Class honours degree. This was preceded by the completion of a Sport and Exercise Science degree at Leeds Metropolitan University in 2004.

I have over 10 years’ experience working in Pelvic health (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) across a spectrum of settings, from large teaching hospital departments to remote community based clinics. I have expanded my skills to include acupuncture, myofascial release, and professional coaching alongside classical pelvic health skills which reflects my combined approach to physiotherapy. Since qualifying as a Pilates Instructor with the APPI Health group I now work as a Master Trainer delivering education to other health professionals in clinical Pilates.

I am a full POGP member and work with them as part of the Research review team, supporting the work of the POGP to facilitate pelvic health physiotherapists.


I love not just only helping women find the practical solutions to their pelvic and obstetric health challenges, but also their unique recipe for wellness. So often in clinic I hear that patients didn’t realise there was so much they could do to impact their symptoms. When they leave having taken control of their health, they change in every way. I love the moment a person tells me that they are feeling better but what has pleased them more is the unexpected part- they now know their body better too. There’s a lot of power in that, not just the one quick fix but embracing your health for life.

Katie Bell Physio is a powerhouse of passion and vision. We’re not just a group of individual clinicians but a team that links up, which is what makes our clients experience so special. I really enjoy being surrounded by likeminded people who help me to pursue the best for our clients. We can create treatment exactly the way each person needs, which is after all exactly what we all deserve.

Qualifications, Achievements & Relevant Experience:

• BSc Sport & Exercise Science – Leeds Beckett University 2:1, 2004
• BSc Physiotherapy – Bradford University 1st, 2007
• Certified APPI Pilates Matwork Instructor
• APPI Master trainer and author of ‘Pilates for Endometriosis’
• Anatomy Trains: Structure and Function
• POGP Physiotherapy Assessment & Management of Female urinary Dysfunction
• Holly Hermann’s Advanced Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction & Treatment
• ACUPHYS Foundation and Women’s Health Acupuncture
• Professional Coaching Diploma
• The Athletic Female: The Full evolution
• Introductory Bobath

Hobbies, Hidden Talents & More Info

I spend much of my time out of work running, bouldering, sipping coffee, or enjoying delicious food with friends and family. We are a really active family. Our perfect weekend would be a mini break to go on a new adventure with our kids and labradoodle, Loki.

Get In Touch​

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment you can send us a message, email us, call us or book online.


Katie Harben

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