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Sheffield Half Marathon: How Sports Massage can Help Recovery

When there’s only a few weeks left until race day, it’s the time when our training really starts to pick up  as we battle the tough hill sessions, taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back in this blasting wind!

It’s important in these final few weeks that we don’t over exert ourselves by stepping up the training too much – resting is just as important as our training. And there is no better time to give your body some much needed (and deserved) TLC… so here’s a refresher on the benefits of sports massage!

Sports massage is the perfect treatment of choice for runners in the build up to event day. Sports massage focuses on the relief of muscle fatigue, tightness, tension and is great for the prevention of overuse running injuries which are all so common! So, whether you’re relatively injury free or riddled with recurrent injuries, sports massage could be the answer you’ve been waiting for.

We see a huge number of runners here at the clinic with problems ranging from post run muscle soreness, muscle tightness, muscle strains, ligament sprains, hip pain, knee pain, tendinopathy & plantar fasciitis. Whatever you’ve got, we’ve seen it & are here to help cross the finish line!

Book a sports massage for yourself or a friend using the link below!


While sports massage is amazing for injury prevention and getting you through the gruelling training programme, one treatment that simply cannot be underestimated is rest. You are at a much higher risk of injury if you don’t get sufficient sleep and rest days between your training.

Although our bodies are commonly referred to as machines, our bodies certainly can’t function at 100mph 24/7! Rest & sleep are crucially important for recovery, recuperation & performance enhancement but extremely underrated in training populations, so rest up!

Sports massage is hugely valued for pre-event preparation, as it prepares muscles for exercise, stimulates circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the area, reduces muscle tension and enhances a state of focus and concentration. This type of sports massage focuses on circulation enhancement by utilising light fast techniques, with emphasis placed on the muscle groups that are going to be used in the event.

If you’ve got an event such as a 10K run, half marathon or any other sporting event planned, then you should give pre-event sports massage a try! (It may give you the fighting edge to smash your previous PB).

Post event massage is done after you have completed an event or training session. The aims of this massage are to assist in the cool down process, relax tight muscle groups, stimulate circulation and reduce potential soreness. In post event massage, the technique is light massage techniques to stimulate recovery.

Keep well and happy training!

Our award winning services will help you move better, feel better and live better. Contact us today!