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Katie Bell

Director & Principal Physiotherapist

Katie Bell

I am the founder and owner of KB Physio & Wellness, opening the clinic in 2014.

Having qualified in 2008 with an honours degree in Physiotherapy, I had always dreamt of having a clinic that was welcoming, friendly, professional and a place where people could really improve their health and wellness that had no barriers to the results our clients could achieve.

Since 2014 we have expanded our team and premises, building a team of Physiotherapists, Pelvic Health Physiotherapists, Sports Therapists, Massage therapists and Pilates Instructors and adding further treatment space.

My team really cares and are passionate about helping people get rid of their pain or injury, move better and feel confident to do whatever they want to do without their body limiting them.

I genuinely love every day I work because I get to transform peoples’ lives and we make a huge impact on the community of Sheffield and Derbyshire. I still work clinically, although most of my time is spent running our amazing business and team and continually pushing it to the next level. I also run an online coaching company which supports clinic owners across the UK & Ireland in building their dreams and vision and helping them become more confident business owners.

My friends would describe me as someone who has a big heart and cares a lot about others, someone who has a lot of energy and is clearly ran by a battery that is charged up at night(!!) and someone who is fun and loves to laugh!

Qualifications, Achievements & Relevant Experience:

Hobbies, Hidden Talents & More Info

Outside of the clinic, I love to be outdoors with my dog and enjoy running. I live for great food and wine and my favourite times are spent with friends at fantastic restaurants experiencing chefs at the top of their game!

Get In Touch​

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment you can send us a message, email us, call us or book online.


Katie Harben

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