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Menopause and me

Emily Elgar is a Women’s Health Specialist at Katie Bell Physiotherapy and Wellness. She’s passionate about women’s health and here she puts the spotlight on the menopause as well as sharing some useful tips for coping with this potentially tricky time.

‘I was thrilled that BBC Radio Sheffield and Radio 4 recently did a week-long series on the menopause – a rare moment of light being shone on the topic. The menopause doesn’t get mainstream attention and often women feel at the mercy of their symptoms. This leaves them in ‘Me Vs The Menopause’ scenario battling their way through a life stage that has a variable timeline and experience.

Changes in hormone levels, specifically the decline of oestrogen, brings the symptoms you may be experiencing or have heard about. As a Women’s Health Specialist, the patients I see go through a real range of symptoms. For some the menopause might feel subtle and for others its distinct, but like I tell them all, this process is part of our female story! It shouldn’t feel like something that is happening TO you and through my work I aim to lead you in steps to become more in tune with your body and work with her – its never too early or too late to take these steps.

Here are some of the tried and tested tips my patients have shared with me for coping with symptoms:

  • Watch what you eat. This doesn’t mean restricting some foods or drink, just be mindful of what affects you. Different women have different triggers for symptoms such as hot flashes. You could keep a diary which will help you pin point your triggers.
  • Layer up. Whatever the weather knowing you can peel back the layers when a hot flash strikes offers some comfort.
  • Stress less. This is a tough one, but being mindful of what makes you feel stressed and trying to keep those stresses to a minimum will help your mood and sleep.
  • Exercise more. I would say this (!) but exercising will boost your mood, aid sleep and keep your body in the best condition it can be.
  • Talk about it! Sharing your own tips and experiences can only help right? We’re hosting a ‘Menopause and Me’ workshop – led by myself in collaboration with our team of specialist practitioners, it will give a unique perspective and real insight into your symptoms. On the night you’ll learn about the key symptoms of menopause and develop your own plan of nutrition, exercise and self-care to help you feel better and move better. ‘

The ‘Menopause and Me’ workshop will take place at Katie Bell Physiotherapy and Wellness on the 16th November. Tickets are £25.

Contact the Client Care Team on 0114 327 2080 or email hello@katiebellphysio.com to reserve your place.

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