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Get active, I challenge you!

It’s a fact we can’t deny – exercise is good for us! Our mental health and general well-being inclusive. And when I say exercise I don’t just mean hitting the gym, running or cycling miles but being active daily.

Whilst exercise is great, it can be hard to fit into life for some people. So, it’s about finding something that works for you and your personal circumstances. This could mean ditching the car and cycling to work or walking when making those errands, or walking the dog for that little bit longer. The patients I see in clinic that are regularly active whether that be they’re in training, attending our Pilates or Yoga sessions, or are just mindful of getting in active minutes daily, have a better prognosis for recovery from injury. You could cycle to your Pilates classes and use our newly fitted bike rack!

There are some fab initiatives out there to help you get active.

Travel South Yorkshire has just launched it’s #LittleBigChanges campiagn  – encouraging as many people as possible to make small changes to their lifestyle and make transport choices that will make you healthier. https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/LittleBigChanges/

NHS Choices has some great, free, tips and guides to help you get more active minutes into your day –

The Couch to 5K podcasts are great if your taking up or returning to running.

The Active 10 walking tracker app shows how much brisk walking you’re doing and how you can do more. https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/active10/home

Get active, I challenge you! Your KB physiotherapist will gladly chat to you about changes to your daily routine and squeezing in those active minutes safely if you’re recovering from injury. Book a complimentary consultation today.

Our award winning services will help you move better, feel better and live better. Contact us today!