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Autumn brings winter, and with it new challenges for exercising

Autumn brings winter, and with it new challenges for exercising. Caz Kay competes all over Europe for Great Britain in triathlon and duathlon events. Here Caz shares her winter training tips.

‘Here are my winter training tips for running in the great out doors, but these could be applied to any exercise and keeping motivated, especially in the cold dark months:

If you are training before or after work, it is likely to be dark. So, be visible!! My friend and I have a lot of fun seeing who can be the most reflective, especially when early morning cycling in the dark. If I’m running in the dark, I’ll always wear a head torch. In the past I have found myself running in an area with no street lights and I didn’t have a head torch. This was tricky and unsafe. A head torch is good for being seen when you’re crossing roads or driveways and for spotting any tripping hazards.

I always run early, before work, as I like to get it out of the way. It is essential that I get all my kit out ready, by the front door. No matter what the weather sounds like outside (howling winds or heavy rain against the window) this can be off putting when you’re laid inside a cosy warm bed. As soon as the alarm goes off, don’t ponder ‘Shall I, Shan’t I?’ just get up. Once you’re actually out of bed… it’s easy. That’s the hard part….Plus the weather is never as bad as it sounds. When getting my kit ready, I normally check the weather forecast and normally include a couple of options.

  1. If it’s cold, a double buff is in order (one on the head and one round my neck). The one round my neck normally covers my mouth and nose if its freezing cold. This helps my lungs cope with the cold.
  2. If you’re exercising in the evening be careful of what time you intend to go. Once you sit down, you may never get up again. It’s often good to get out as soon as you walk through the door.
  3. On evenings where I’m training, I put the slow cooker on in the morning before work. This makes things easier at tea time.
  4. Arrange to meet up with a friend to run. Then there is no backing out. This helps with motivation and also for those who don’t like running on their own in the dark.
  5. Join a group or regular class. This massively helps with motivation. I know that my running group (Totley AC) meet every Tuesday and Thursday night whatever the weather. Watch this space for the next KB running club dates. If you’d like to be notified when session dates become available – just let the Client Care Team know.
  6. Try not to let the weather put you off. Just get out there. A hot bath is waiting for you when you get in! You’ll feel amazing.

Caz is sponsored by Katie Bell Physiotherapy and Wellness. She’s a regular in the physio clinic. If you’d like more information about nutrition, setting goals with a Pilates instructor or Physiotherapist contact the Client Care team on 0114 327 2080.

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